Hyrna herborgar shawl

Very different and yet so easy to knit shawl pattern made ​​with skewers. I'm makhina.blogspot.co at the making of this shawl found. So in a rather plain but stylish, this shawl 
I'm sure you will love it, especially young people. Even if done with silvery threads of fine wool shawl bride shawl or a complete model would bohçalık. You can make in the color you want to the ends of the shawl 
recently made ​​with skewers are very fashionable and widely used in shawl knitting handcrafted using th will be a really good idea. Circular top with skewers made ​​in one piece, starting this shawl 
I really like and want to see who can address by clicking on the construction.

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Baby Knitting Patterns Crochet jacket

Although child weaves how easy it is built very difficult to make tiny human tightened.